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  • Writer's pictureAlex Hont

Cool Tools for portfolio construction - Gaming, Clean Energy, China & Quality -VanEck Vectors

Following on from our mini-series in 2020 on the future trends and investment impacts, we have a look at some of the tools you can use in portfolio construction to gain exposure to some of those trends.

In this episode, Alex is joined by Damon Gosen from VanEck Vectors to talk about the clean energy revolution, the rise in Gaming and eSports, how the Chinese economy is changing, and discuss why the factor of Quality should be considered in portfolios.

Please read and acknowledge the following before listening to this episode.

The information on this site / Podcast is of a general nature. It does not take your specific needs or circumstances into consideration.

This podcast is for entertainment purposes only and does not constitute financial advice or financial product advice. To receive personal financial advice or financial product advice you must first receive a Statement of Advice (SoA). You must also receive, read and understand the Product Disclosure Statement/s (PDS) of any products you are considering to ensure the product/s is suited to your needs before acting. We may discuss products, services and answer listener questions on this podcast for entertainment & illustration purposes only. We may change the name of the questioner for anonymity. It is impossible to give you personal advice on an entertainment podcast as we do not know the details of your personal financial situation.

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